V Smile Homebrew

A website dedicated to all things related to the Vtech V.Smile Homebrew Scene

Tumble Weeds Blowing By —

First off, welcome to 2014 for those still following along the V Smile Homebrew website. Hey! was that a tumble weed that just blew by? 🙂

Things have been happening behind the scenes with game development and porting current arcade style games to the V Smile platform, however the major hurtle at the moment is putting the games on real cartridges. If anyone has some incite to that, please comment below.

In other news, I recently picked up a “Bob The Builder: Bob’s Busy Day” cartridge for $1.00 USD. Not a bad deal. I haven’t tried the game out yet, but for a dollar, you can’t go wrong. I’ve seen V Smile cartridges going for crazy money at local thrift stores lately, like $7.00 – $8.00 crazy. Maybe that’s cheap, but to me that’s pricy for a loose cartridge.

Anyway, hello and “thank you” for following along. I’ll try to work on some screen shots of games I’ve already ported to work on the V Smile, which means hopefully more frequent updates to the site.

Categorised as: Technology

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  1. Tony says:


    would it not be possible to interface with the device and put cartridge dumps onto external storage like sd cards, write a bootloader to load the games from? Good work so far!

    • Sean says:

      Hi Tony. That would be really awesome to have a SD card type of cartridge for the VSmile. I personally don’t have the knowledge to create that, but if someone could do it, then the flood gates would open up to have a lot of homebrew and arcade ports on the Vsmile.